Art Scholars has taught me that putting myself in unfamiliar positions can lead to rich experiences, and I've learned that through guest workshops and discourse among the rest of the community. For those reasons, I wanted to create something in a medium completely unfamiliar to me.
I've always admired the arts of film and cooking, but I had yet to indulge in them, so naturally, I wanted to make a cooking video. My aspirations for the project did not change too much over the course of the semester, as my final work is roughly along the lines of what I wanted to create from the start. However, what did change notably were my expectations towards the process of composing a film.
In general, regardless of the scenario, I've naturally gone in to things with the intention of "winging it". I went into this project with the misconception that creativity was a naturally-flowing and spontaneous process, and so I almost expected to shoot this film like a loosely-edited collection of off-the-cuff home-videos. I didn't think ahead nearly enough as I was blinded by a misleading sense of optimism about the whole project.
Thanks to my advising meetings with Gabi, I got out of this mindset and made a storyboard for my film, which really opened my eyes to the potential of an organized and more restricted design process.


The tutorials did not display much creative inspiration, but other short cinematic works such as skits or YouTube series from my favorite creators gave me material to emulate and build off of within my own film.

Whether it be walk-throughs for recipes or editing software, online tutorials were essential for gaining familiarity with previously unexplored art forms and modes of expression.

Some of the most resonating pieces of inspiration for me have come from my surroundings, whether it be through observation or discourse.